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[Download] Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings de Karen Bates,Kenda Crozier Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings de Karen Bates,Kenda Crozier

Descripción - Reseña del editor Health care professionals need to make rapid decisions under pressure to prevent and manage adverse outcomes during childbirth. Using an enquiry-based learning approach, this book offers a straightforward but comprehensive guide to emergency care, with scenarios throughout and expert commentary from a Supervisor of Midwives. It all addresses all major emergency situations as well as legal and clinical governance issues. It is essential reading for all midwives, paramedics and allied health professionals involved in the provision of obstetric care away from the acute setting. Descripción del libro This book offers an accessible guide to dealing with emergencies in a low tech childbirth environment. Packed with engaging case studies and activities, it is an essential read for anyone in the field Contraportada A childbirth emergency is always a critical process that requires focus and skill from all the medical staff involved. But whether it's an emergency in the home or at a midwife-led birthing unit, childbirth emergencies in community or low-tech settings lack the resources and the help that is so readily available in the hospital. It is therefore absolutely crucial that midwives are well equipped to deal with emergencies in situations where resources are minimal. With chapters covering pre-eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, new-born resuscitation and much more, this book prepares student and qualified midwives for transferring their skills in high risk situations outside of the hospital setting. Now in its second edition it boasts a broad range of chapters written by experts in the field. Each chapter has been completely updated and an important new chapter on supporting women under acute mental stress has been introduced. Written as a toolkit for dealing with childbirth emergencies this book is supported with a range of innovative features, including: • Case Scenario boxes that illustrate the different emergencies and provide the context of real women and real-life situations.• Commentary from an experienced midwife supervisor, providing additional professional guidance.• Reflective Questions to engage the reader and test their knowledge.• Reflective Activities to encourage the reader to consolidate and apply what they have learnt.• Key Points that provide concise lists of the key facts in each chapter.With chapters covering the role of paramedics and legal and professional this is also a valuable resource for paramedics, general medical practitioners, trainers and educators. Biografía del autor Karen Bates is Midwifery Lecturer and Associate Director for Teaching and Learning (Student Affairs) at the School of Nursing Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK.   Kenda Crozier is Senior Lecturer in Midwifery and School Director for Postgraduate Research at the School of Nursing Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings
  • Autor: Karen Bates,Kenda Crozier
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
  • Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Lee un libro Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings de Karen Bates,Kenda Crozier Libros Gratis en EPUB

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ A childbirth emergency is always a critical process that requires focus and skill from all the medical staff involved. But whether it's an emergency in the home or at a midwife-led birthing unit, childbirth emergencies in community or low-tech settings lack the resources and the help that is so readily available in the hospital.

(PDF) Managing childbirth emergencies in the community 2nd ~ This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings by Karen Bates Editor , Kenda Crozier Editor 11-May-2015 Paperback: : Libros

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings. por Karen Bates,Kenda Crozier. Comparte tus pensamientos Completa tu reseña. Cuéntales a los lectores qué opinas al calificar y reseñar este libro. Califícalo * Lo calificaste *

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-Tech Settings. by Karen Bates,Kenda Crozier. Thanks for Sharing! You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ A childbirth emergency is always a critical process that requires focus and skill from all the medical staff involved. But whether it's an emergency in the home or at a midwife-led birthing unit, childbirth emergencies in community or low-tech settings lack the resources and the help that is so readily available in the hospital.

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the community and low ~ Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the community and low tech settings . By Karen Bates and Kenda Crozier. Abstract. Health care professionals need to make rapid decisions under pressure to prevent and manage adverse outcomes during childbirth.

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low tech settings 28 July, 2016 By Ibadete Fetahu ’This is for all midwives, general practitioners students, and educators who will be caring for and treating mothers and their babies born/unborn within the community and low tech settings.’

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ MANAGING CHILDBIRTH EMERGENCIES IN THE COMMUNITY AND LOW-TECH SETTINGS. PAPERBACK by Bates, Karen; Crozier, Kenda. £31.99. ISBN. 9781137374813. IMPRINT. . Using an enquiry-based learning approach, this book offers a straightforward but comprehensive guide to emergency care, .

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Managing childbirth emergencies in community settings ~ Introduction: setting the context of t he book --Antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage in the community --Pre-eclampsia and the emergency management of eclampsia outside the hospital --The midwife's management of sholder dystocia --The birth of undiagnosed twins in the community --Managing breech presentationin the absence of obstetric assistance --Neonatal resuscitation in communitty settings .

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IMPARTEN / EMERGENCIAS EN EL PARTO FUERA DEL HOSPITAL ~ Además ha contribuido recientemente en un libro sobre el manejo de emergencias de parto en ambientes de baja tecnología, como en el hogar Managing childbirth emergencies in the community & low – tech settings.

Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low ~ Health care professionals need to make rapid decisions under pressure to prevent and manage adverse outcomes during childbirth. Using an enquiry-based learning approach, this book offers a straightforward but comprehensive guide to emergency care, with scenarios throughout and expert commentary from a Supervisor of Midwives. It all addresses all major emergency situations as well as legal and .

Curso de Emergencias Obstétricas - Helena Eyimi ~ Además ha contribuido recientemente en un libro sobre el manejo de emergencias de parto en ambientes de baja tecnología, como en el hogar Managing childbirth emergencies in the community & low – tech settings .

Pin on Midwifery books 2014-2015 ~ May 8, 2015 - Bates, K., & Crozier, K. (Eds.).(2015). Managing childbirth emergencies in the community and low-tech settings. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Childbirth Emergencies in the Community - London - 23 ~ Relevant For: For those who attend planned or unplanned births in the community such as community midwives, independent midwives, paramedics, MCAs, GPs & practice development midwives. This one-day course will review and update on important elements in the management of emergency skills that may be needed when women birth at home. Aims & Objectives

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